Hinge Now
February 14th - 16th
6th - 12th grade students
TDC Students is hosting our annual HINGE NOW weekend! Students will gather to have fun and worship to the glory of God. Over this weekend-long event, students will hear Christ-centered messages, engage in worship, and be encouraged to overcome their idols by beholding Jesus.
HINGE NOW takes place at both campuses! Be sure to register your student for HINGE NOW at their home campus so that they can grow in community throughout the weekend with the students that they gather with every week at Student Bible Study.
All 6th-12th grade students are invited!
Several trusted families belonging to our church body have generously volunteered to host our students in their homes throughout the weekend. Each student group will spend Friday and Saturday night in their host home.
If you have any questions about this event, please connect
with Mark McPherson or Mitch Craig.
Click below to register