Angel Tree
This Christmas season, we get to share God's love and generosity with our communities by partnering with local organizations to provide gifts to those experiencing hardships. Between our two campuses, we have more than 200 ornaments representing gifts for kids in need, and we need your help to show them that they are known, seen, and loved by Christ!
Who are we serving?
Argyle | November 3rd - December 1st
UP Ministries serves children in need throughout Denton County. Each child that TDC has "adopted" this Christmas has 2 Big Wish ideas and 2 Small Wish ideas. You can to provide 1 Big & 1 Small Wish from those ideas listed on the child's ornament! Gifts should be new and unused, and returned unwrapped
Lewisville | November 24th - December 8th
Cumberland Youth and Family Services in Denton |
Presents from TDC are the only Christmas gifts these children will receive this season, so we have committed to 3 gifts per child priced at $50, $25, and $15. The names on these ornaments are aliases for the safety and privacy of the kids.
These gifts are given on behalf of an incarcerated family member. TDC volunteers will deliver these gifts to the children's homes the week before Christmas (all of the families are within 15 miles of our campus). We commit to 2 gifts per child – one need and one want.
These gifts are given to at risk children in Lewisville ISD via school counselors. We'll gift pajamas, board games and books.
Sandy Lake Rehabilitation and Care Center |
These gifts are being given to seniors living in this facility in Coppell. We are gifting fuzzy socks and warm cardigan sweaters to keep them warm. TDC Kids will deliver these gifts and sing Christmas carols at the facility on December 11th.
What to do:
Drop off your unwrapped gifts in the lobby of your home campus by:
Argyle - December 1st
Lewisville - December 8th
If you get a gift receipt while you're shopping, please include it when you drop off the gifts.
Most importantly – tape the Angel tag/ornament to gift so that our OPF volunteers can easily identify and sort them.
You may feel uneasy about getting a child a gift card as their only gift. But the kids we're serving don’t have control of much in their lives, so if a child asks for a gift card please be comforted and know that it will allow them some freedom to pick their gifts!
If you want to participate in delivering the Angel Tree Prison Ministry gifts this holiday season connect with Jessie Stansberry, our OPF Deacon!